Aloota Continua

Doornkop Hall, Soweto, Johannesburg

Aloota Continua is engaged South African theatre that creates a vivid picture of a series of events that shook our country and have left a reminder that we dare not ignore. It deals with 

the July 2021 uprising/riots. The loss of life (about 350 people perished) and damage (approximately R35 billion) goods and infrastructure were unprecedented in our post-1994 history. The audience is encouraged to think for itself whether the uprising was justified, and whether it has advanced the interests of the masses of poor and unemployed. 

  • Alexandra Arts Academy 12 November 2022 @ 16:00 
  • Doornkop Hall, Soweto 13 November 2022 @ 14:30 

Payment: R20 

For more information, please contact:
Jacqui Jacobs —